What to do with your RESURRECTION PLANT
The ritual you decide to use your Rose of Jericho plant in will vary depending on the magical goals you wish to achieve. Your ritual can be as simple as keeping your Rose of Jericho plant near the entrance to your home to signify the blessings and happiness you want to blossom in your home. You can also use the plant in magical working to draw money, luck and abundance or revive or give life to certain areas of your life – for example love or health.
Resurrection Plant Ritual
Place your plant in a glass bowl. Charge your water (spring preferably) with your intention. Feed your plant with charged water. Place any petitions under the bowl. Energy charging crystals, candles and coins can also be utilized as well as any other traditions or techniques for your ritual. Bless and thank your plant for its participation in your workings. Use the energy of the waxing moon phase to increase the power of your magic. Work your plant and intentions for a number of days. Store water in a vile for further magical use.
Further Uses of Resurrection Water
Use at your doorstep to bring luck and protection to your home. Add to floor wash to bring in luck and prosperity to your home or business. Water can also be used to bless your money or prosperity candles or used to cleanse your crystals.
In African traditions rituals for prosperity include placing talismans near entrance to home. So this might be a nice addition to a mantel or shelf to be used when you want to bring a little extra joy into your life.
The plant can be used for multiple workings. Let roots sit in small amount of fresh water daily for 7 days, feed fresh water to roots. Allow to dry out for at least 2 days between workings. Smudge to clear energies. Can be passed down from generation to generation as the plant can literally live dormant for 50+ years.