
Commune is intentionally made loose incense blend that helps aid communication with your ancestors and/or spirit guides.  Burn to help thin the veil between you and the spirit realm and to receive messages from your ancestors and spirit guides.

Every burn is a spell. Crafted with purposely chosen herbs and oils that combine for a powerful alchemical creation. Know that as the heavenly aroma fills your home or altar space that your intentions are charged and released into the ether.

in Commune the powerful essence of Lavender, Kava Kava, Sage and Blue Lotus help to aid communication and and open the channels to the spiritual realm. Marigold, Dragon Blood and Myrrh to honor our ancestors and for protection while channeling the energy of your guides.

Burn on your ancestor altar or in your home when connecting with your guides and for protection and to create a positive atmosphere. Commune can be burned to honor your ancestors and/or help to alleviate sorrow after a loved one passes.

To use your ceremonial incense – set your intentions an burn a small amount on a charcoal disc. The smoke can be used to smudge your home or space. Alternatively you can also use this intentional mixture to dress your candles or sacred spaces.





Availability: 6 in stock

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Weight 1 kg


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