Scorpio Oil

Scorpio is the 8th Zodiac sign which rules over deep transformation. It represents the circle of life – creation, death and rebirth. Scorpio also represents our shadow and where great healing and transformation can occur. Our spiritual journey and evolution as a spiritual beings are represented by Scorpio’s 3 spirit symbols of the Scorpion (lowest ego centered being) to Eagle (awakening soul) to the rising Phoenix (resurrection from dead self).

Scorpio also represents purification and elimination both spiritually and physically. Scorpio (“I Create”) is the sign that identifies with the purpose of Creation, which naturally makes this sign very passionate, creative and sensual. Its power center is in the sacral chakra, ruling our reproductive system, bowels and sex organs.

Use this oil when doing work on balancing your sacral chakra or when wanting to tap into your divine feminine, creative, passionate, sensual nature. Use for the purpose of shadow work, or for deep transformation and spiritual breakthrough. Use to increase willpower, strength and spiritual endurance and intuition. Use when the outcome calls for rebirth, regeneration, renewal, to remove stagnancy, encourage forward progress, uncover truth, healing, transformation.


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