New Moon Ritual Bath

Each New moon gives us the opportunity to begin again, to set the tone, to create –  like bringing magical ink and paper to write our next new chapter. This is the time to make your intentions and desires known to the universe, plant new seeds, see the vision and set manifestation in motion.

Use this bath to program your water to make your dreams and visions a reality. Our unique magical herb blend utilizes the power of Chamomile and Bay Laurel for manifestation and success, Eucalyptus and Pine for rebirth, new beginnings, and energy renewal along with Cedar and Bergamot for its purifying, cleansing and road opening qualities.

Our New Moon magical blend works to help manifest your intentions, bring in good luck and success as well as aid to clear your energy, and raise your vibration as you visualize your intentions this new moon.

All OUR RITUAL BATHS INCLUDE our ORGANIC MAGICAL HERB BLEND along WITH DEAD SEA SALTS AND MINERAL SALTS, ESSENTIAL OILS, AND FRAGRANCE OILS. Our new moon bath will turn your bath water dark like the night sky on the New moon.


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