Saturn Planetary Oil

Saturn – planet of Responsibility, Challenges, Life Lessons, Authority & Discipline

Saturn is the planet that governs over limitation and challenges which can indicate where we tend to struggle or have the most difficulty in life – What is also important to note is that this is also where we unlock the skill of discipline and self mastery – this is where we are able to attain the most self satisfaction for personal achievement and build character and life benefiting wisdom.

Saturn also represents self-control, stability, maturity, responsibility, steadfastness and realism (material realm). Saturn’s main concern is that we learn the necessary life lessons and will reward for hard work, patience and diligence – Saturn’s rewards are character building and with the long term interest in mind.

Use Saturn oil for positive outcomes with Saturn transits and personal birth chart placements. Add Saturn oil to spell work for acquiring the positive aspects of the planet Saturn such as – self-control, stability, maturity, responsibility, steadfastness, persistence, self mastery, personal achievement, ambition and work ethic.


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